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Critical Illness Life Insurance with CompareNI.com
No one ever expects to suffer a serious illness. Every year though, families, couples and individuals receive a diagnosis that might change their lives for ever.
What could someone do if they received such a diagnosis? The answers could be very different depending on whether or not they have critical illness life insurance NI in place or not. A comparison service could understand how vital it is to prepare financially for this situation. People hope never to need this insurance but a fast comparison through a free service allows someone to compare a variety of Northern Ireland insurers and brokers (and those from the UK). This may enable them to see how much they could pay each month for a cheap critical illness life insurance combined policy.
The idea is someone could get a standard life insurance policy with the addition of the critical illness benefit. This provides a two-in-one policy that covers many eventualities. Most policies cover dozens of illnesses: each one specifies the illnesses it would pay out for if someone were diagnosed with one of them. Some policies also provide a lesser degree of cover if they fall ill with another less serious illness.
A comparison service could mean getting a single quote form to complete. Many people might consider critical illness life insurance cheap and comprehensive cover if it fell within their budget. Use a comparison now and see if they’re able to get critical illness life insurance Northern Ireland options that will appeal. Combined policies like this may make good sense and theyre often cheaper too.
Life Insurance Comparison