Fisherman Rod #ChallengeRod
Fisherman Rod is celebrating 15 years helping people in Northern Ireland find savings. As part of his celebrations, Rod is taking his money-saving skills to the next level, he’s growing his #ChallengeRod project, now in year three, where he’ll be selecting five local teams or clubs to win £1000 each to support their development.
All you have to do is enter this short form to tell Rod who your club or team are and why they’d benefit from £1000 support.
Choosing a winner
The lucky winners will be chosen throughout the year and may even get a visit from Fisherman Rod himself as he looks to take on new sports and hobbies across NI …if you have some skills you can’t wait to show Rod make sure to fill in the form and #ChallengeRod!
You can follow Fisherman Rod throughout the year on our social channels for all the latest @CompareNI #ChallengeRod #FISH4FUNDS
Our Winners So Far…
Congratulations to our three winners so far who have received a £1000 bursary.
Ballintoy Young at Heart Club are using the donation for community day trips through the year as well as replenishing flowerbeds in Ballintoy Village.
Shaws Angling Club in Armagh are hoping to support women and children who are keen to start fly fishing with bespoke sessions and new equipment.
Enniskillen Town United Football Club, who have been working since 1970 to grow football across the local community, are using their donation to improve their equipment, as well as pop up goals to help support training and matches.
We have two more winners to select, so make sure you get your entry in.
Enter now

FISH4FUNDS – Rod’s Community Support Initiative
Details on Rods previous fundraising adventures, available here.
Full terms and conditions can be found here – Terms & Conditions